Why study medicine or dentistry in Europe?

The number of UK students now studying medicine or dentistry in Europe is at an all time high, and the numbers are rising annually.

Job Prospects

Obtain a MD degree whilst studying a gmc registered course, broadening your job prospects

New Language

Have the opportunity to learn a new language

Self Development

Opportunity for self development and gain independence


opportunity to travel to countries for a fraction of the price you would pay if you were in the uk (Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia)

Lower Fees

benefit from lower tuition fees compared to the uk

Lower Cost

benefit from drastically lower living costs compared to the uk

New Networks

Meet people from all over the world and develop your interpersonal skills and social networks

Benefit from the Eastern European teaching system and gain plenty of hands on clinical experience

Benefit from the Eastern European teaching system and gain plenty of hands on clinical experience – strengthen your communication, team building and adaptability skills

Career Opportunities

Enhance your career opportunities and future prospects

New Culture

Discover a new culture

Hundreds of students each year are going to study medicine/ dentistry abroad, and enjoying the educational, financial and social benefits of studying a medical/ dental degree outside their home country. Not only does studying abroad offer the chance for you to learn a new language and gain skills In independence and personal development, but it allows you to reap the financial benefits of considerably cheaper tuition fees and living costs
